
How Much Do You Love RMHC?

July 20th, 2018
Filed Under: Foundation | Philanthropy

It’s no secret that ADPi’s and Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC)go together like a Big Mac and fries. We lovingly organize Lion’s Share Challenge philanthropy events to raise money for them through fun activities such as ADPi Hop and Diamond Series. We volunteer at our local house, knowing full well that every time we get to know another family, it will pull on our heartstrings. We bake cookies, decorate for the holidays, and write cards so that every family that walks through the front doors of the House that Love Built feels our love, too.


But here’s the deal: Alpha Delta Pi currently supports approximately 40% of RMHC’s chapters worldwide, so we have some room to grow. Some Houses simply don’t have an ADPi chapter or alumnae association nearby to raise funds for them. Enter, stage left: the Ronald McDonald Charities Endowment Fund. Once fully endowed, this fund will allow Alpha Delta Pi to expand our reach and help more RMHC’s by allowing them to apply directly for grants from the Alpha Delta Pi Foundation.


The RMHC Endowment Fund means the Alpha Delta Pi Foundation will be able to provide support to building a new Family Room in Toronto. Or even lend a hand to a House in North Dakota while they expand and undergo renovations.


Wait, wait. Back up, sister. What does “endowment” event mean?


Great question! We touched on it briefly in our last #FoundationFriday blog post when we told you about scholarships, and the RMHC Endowment Fund works the same way. The short version is, “endowed” = “fully funded”. We have a goal to raise $1,000,000 and so far a total of $496,000 has been raised. Amazing! ! Now that we’re at the halfway point, we are starting to put in place the process and will begin making grants very soon! 


Enter, stage right: YOU! We have asked you to help us to build this tremendously important fund and we encourage

 you to continue your support. Here’s a few ideas how:

  1. Host an additional philanthropy event and allocate the funds to the RMHC Endowment
  2. Increase your current fundraising efforts and earmark the proceeds from an existing event to the Endowment


But wait… even individual donors can support this incredible cause by making donations designated for the RMHC Endowment. Simply go to: https://www.alphadeltapi.org/foundation/donate/. Under gift information, just put a note letting us know that this is the fund you want to support!