Feels Like Home to Me

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October 21st, 2020


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By Abby Hauser – Delta Gamma, University of Arizona


As I sit here writing this post, I look around and think about how lucky I am to be living in the same room in my chapter house that my mom lived in 30 years ago. Pretty crazy, right? But it isn’t my mom, this room, or even this house that makes Alpha Delta Pi feel like home. If all of that was taken away, what I am left with is still something just as impactful: this sisterhood.


Growing up, Alpha Delta Pi was a set of words I was very familiar with. Alpha Delta Pi was a place that gave my mom her best friends. Women who supported her, loved her, and made her laugh, and in turn, they did that for her daughters as well. These women were second moms to me. I knew that their sisterhood was incredibly special when I was 12. This was the year my dad passed away. My mom’s sisters were there in what felt like seconds. Some stayed at home with my younger sister and me while others spent longs days and even longer nights in the hospital with my mom. These women have been there for my family through thick and thin. I knew that it was a place I needed to be someday. I knew it would a place that I could someday call home.


I finally got to call Alpha Delta Pi my home in 2018 when I started my freshman year at the University of Arizona. While I had gone into formal recruitment with an open mind, I immediately knew ADPi was the place for me. I could see that the women of Alpha Delta Pi were resilient, confident, and truly supportive of each other.


I have always known who I am. I am I women who is strong, who stands up for what she believes is right, and who can be a little too sassy and too silly for her own good. I had always felt like all the parts of me never fit into one space, but Alpha Delta Pi gave me a place to be exactly who I am without hiding any parts of myself. 


ADPi has given me countless opportunities to learn and grown as a collegiate. Serving on my chapters executive board, attending Adelphean Compass in Atlanta and Officer Academy in Chicago, and becoming an inaugural member of the Collegiate Advisory Committee have been some of the highlights of my experience. All of these opportunities have come my way because of the support of my sisters.


It took one sister to say “I really think you can this” for me to put myself out there and run for my first position. And now it is my job to be that sister for others.


My message to any sisters reading this is, “I know that you can do this. You are so capable, so strong, and you will add so much value.” I hope you take my message to heart. I hope you put yourself out there, because I can assure you that it will be an amazing experience. Alpha Delta Pi is your home, and it’s time for you to make a difference within it.


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