

Alpha Delta Pi membership is a lifetime experience and with that comes the assurance that wherever you go you will find a sister to share life’s experiences. Alumnae associations throughout the United States and Canada offer opportunities for continued leadership, scholarship, sisterhood, and service.

Alumnae Terminology

Alumna (ah-lum-nuh) is a singular term referring to a female initiated member who is no longer in school. (Ex.: “I am an alumna member of Alpha Delta Pi.”)

Alumnae (ah-lum-knee) is the plural form of alumna, referring to a group of females. (Ex.: “We are alumnae members of Alpha Delta Pi.”)

Alumnus (ah-lum-nus) is a singular term referring to a male graduate or university graduates in general.

Alumni (ah-lum-nye) is the plural form of alumnus. (This is correct for males only or males and females together.)