
We Believe

We BelieveWe Believe in Alpha Delta Pi …

For more than 160 years our sisterhood has endured and encouraged women to lead a life that expresses the true spirit of fraternity and our open motto “We live for each other.” Today we are impacting the lives of more than 20,000 young women each year on college campuses throughout North America.

We Believe in Alpha Delta Pi …

Think back to the time you first walked onto the campus of your alma mater, and to the day you accepted a bid to join Alpha Delta Pi. You were probably nervous and tentative, but hopeful you made the right choice. You found a new home, new sisters and a new family. You have maintained these friendships and bonds since that very moment that you first wore your diamond-shaped badge.

We Believe in Alpha Delta Pi …

You became part of something much bigger than yourself. You became part of a select group of individuals who embody what it means to be the first and finest. You became part of a sisterhood who believes they have a responsibility to serve others for the betterment of our world.

We Believe the time is now to look to the future of Alpha Delta Pi to ensure it remains first and finest for future generations of sisters, offering them the same experience and pride that we all have had since 1851. That’s why we have launched the largest and most comprehensive fundraising campaign in our history to raise funds for leadership programming, emergency grants, scholarships, and heritage preservation. We Believe the sorority experience is more relevant than ever and certainly life changing for our collegians and our thousands of living alumnae.

We Believe the young women of today deserve the values instilled by membership in Alpha Delta Pi. We Believe the women who follow in our footsteps today are strong, resilient, impactful and tenacious, and are prepared for their future as they go on to educate, lead, and serve!

Now is the time! We Believe … Do you?

Tracy and Dawn