
Meet the 2018-2019 Leadership Consultants!

August 6th, 2018
Filed Under: Leadership Consultants

Tomorrow, 13 incredible women are leaving 1386 Ponce and heading to a chapter near you! The 2018-2019 Leadership Consultants have been training in Atlanta at Alpha Delta Pi’s Executive Office for three weeks, and they’re more than ready to make an impact on this sisterhood. If you haven’t already met them, here are the this year’s LCs:

Tara Innab, Alpha Theta – University of Washington

Positions: Continuous Open Recruitment Chair, Executive Vice President, and Chapter President

Most excited about: “To visiting new places and working closely with sisters to enhance the sorority experience!”

Fun fact: “I was a competitive figure skater!”

Hannah Lambert, Theta Upsilon – Shorter University 

Positions: Executive Vice President and Chapter President x 2

Most excited about: “Providing resources to our women to create the best sorority experience for all our members!”

Fun fact: “Every summer of college my dad and I built or refinished a piece of furniture together including a kitchen table, book shelf, and end tables!”

Iona Kearney, Gamma Chi – Texas Christian University

Positions: Special Events Chair and Executive Vice


Most excited about: “To learn about the different traditions at each campus!”

Fun fact: “I’ve been to at least one concert every year since I was born!”

Frankie Miller, Zeta Beta – North Carolina State University

Positions: Panhellenic Delegate, Membership Education Vice President, and Bid Day Chair

Most excited about: “Exploring different college campuses and seeing our different chapters’ personalities!”

Fun fact: “I wish I could eat Chick-fil-A for every meal!”

Rachel Minter, Gamma Xi – University of California, Santa Barbara

Positions: Recording Secretary, Executive Vice President, and Chapter President

Most excited about: “Meeting and getting to know sisters across the country and seeing the various traditions different college campuses have!”

Fun fact: “Every summer I go to the beach and swim with tiger sharks!”

Savannah Moore, Gamma Mu – Missouri State University

Positions: Executive Vice President and Chapter President

Most excited about: “I’m a big travel gal and a big people gal, so the opportunity to do both at the same time is pretty cool.”

Fun fact: “I’ve been to 5 of the 7 continents (and have plans on how I’ll make it to the next 2)!”

Quinn Moran, Pi – Iowa State University

Positions: Philanthropy Chair, Panhellenic Exec. – Vice President of Philanthropy and Community Service, and Chapter President

Most excited about: “New friendships with sisters from across the country!”

Fun fact: “I lived in 3 states before I was a year old!”

Kelsey Pasco, Theta Pi – Santa Clara University

Positions: Panhellenic Delegate, Senior Class Ambassador, and Chapter President

Most excited about: “Meeting sisters from all across the country and finding local coffee shops everywhere I go!”

Fun fact: “I’m an aunt to the most precious two year old boy, Riley!”

Bailie Sparks, Zeta Sigma – College of Charleston

Positions: Recruitment and Marketing Vice President and Chapter President

Most excited about: “Building relationships with our collegiate women. I want to empower and uplift them!”

Fun fact: “I have a dalmatian named Ellie. She’s the sweetest!”

Ashlenn Wellbrock, Alpha Eta – Kansas State University

Positions: Special Events Chair, Director of Social Enrichment, and Chapter President

Most excited about: “To experience what makes each chapter special and unique!”

Fun fact: “I’m an avid lover of the Wendy’s 4 for 4!”

Alli Winkler, Theta Omicron – James Madison University

Positions: Guard, Membership Education Vice President, and Chapter President

Most excited about: “Visiting new campuses and seeing the places our sisters call home and all the new foods!”

Fun fact: “I’m an identical triplet!”

Senior Consultant Katie Casey, Gamma Kappa – West Virginia Wesleyan College

Positions: Philanthropy Chair, Panhellenic Delegate, and Chapter President

Most excited about: “Make more friends, help sisters grow, and live in every moment!”

Fun fact: “I’m obsessed with watching sunsets!”

Senior Consultant Jessie Skinn, Epsilon Xi – Northern Arizona University 

Positions: Executive Vice President and Chapter President

Most excited about: “Meeting so many different sisters and seeing how other chapters work compared to my own!”

Fun fact: “I’ve peaked two 14,000 ft. mountains!”