An Open Letter to Future Collegiate Advisory Committee Members

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October 10th, 2020


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Dear Future CAC Member and Past Victoria,


I come to you from the past, present, and future—kind of wild right! 2020 has been quite a year and no matter what point in time you are reading this, you’ll definitely remember that. If you are a future Collegiate Advisory Committee (CAC) member you know of the COVID craziness that touched just about every part of our lives, and if you are the Past Victoria then you are ready to make 2020 your year as you prepare for a semester abroad in Italy.

If there is one thing I wish I knew then that I know now it’s: You have stumbled onto a great opportunity and you should not take it lightly.

Past Victoria had no idea what exactly this committee entailed. It was brand new. All she had to go off was a job description and an application. But this committee has been so much more than the job description.

It has been letters of congratulations from Grand Council, working with six other collegiate women from around the country, figuring out how to Zoom from across the Atlantic Ocean, co-leading a webinar that now forever lives on Pride Online, writing an article for The Adelphean, helping develop the ideas for the senior webinar series, meeting Grand Council, meeting Amanda Sloan, meeting Beth Wright, meeting so many amazing leaders in ADPi that my head is still spinning, having an impact.

That one sticks with me the most.

Much like you, future CAC member, the love we have for this organization cannot be contained, cannot be expressed in a simple sentence, cannot be confined to just our chapters. So, we seek out a way to serve our sisters. Through the good and the bad, we fight to make this organization better. And though you may not realize it, that is what makes this committee so special. Future CAC member and Past Victoria, I promise you, you will have an impact.

This committee is an amazing opportunity, an incredible responsibility, and whether you stumbled upon like I did or you crave this role with every fiber of your soul, take it. Don’t underestimate your power because I didn’t think I was someone who was important enough to have something to say. Your experiences give you power and everything you have done in ADPi will only add to what you can bring to this committee. I was just your average member who wanted to have a voice. One for women in small chapters, one for women who had gone abroad, one for women who had once wanted to de-sister, and one for myself. One for the sum of all my experiences.

So, future CAC member and Past Victoria, I am so excited for you. You will take this role and strive to new heights and you will grow in new ways. I say it again for myself, in the present and in the past and for you in the future: You have stumbled onto a great opportunity and you should not take it lightly.

You are going to do amazing things and I cannot wait to see them happen.


Love and Loyally,

Victoria DiMartino

2020 CAC Member


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