The Adelphean
Published since 1907, The Adelphean, Alpha Delta Pi’s quarterly magazine, is filled with exciting news and events of interest to collegians and alumnae. Each issue highlights outstanding alumnae and collegiate chapters, promotes leadership on campus and in the community and features philanthropic service with the Ronald McDonald House Charities and other local organizations.
Click here to read the Adelphean.
Digital Archives
Alpha Delta Pi has long cherished its history as the first secret society for college women. Our mission, "Established in 1851, Alpha Delta Pi is committed to sisterhood, values and ethics, high academic standards and social responsibility," is documented through the years in The Adelphean of Alpha Delta Pi magazine and through our written history. This history is now made available for every collegian and alumnae member to access through the newly unveiled digital archives, funded by a grant from the Alpha Delta Pi Foundation.
Click here to read the archives.