
If Council Could Go Back in Time

December 4th, 2017
Filed Under: Grand Council

Whether you’re an alumna or an Alpha, if time traveling existed, I’m sure you could think of something to say to your 18 year old self, right? Well, that’s what we asked of the wise Pis of Grand Council. Here’s what they would tell themselves if they could go back in time.

“Never pass up the opportunity to speak to a group or to say thank you.”

–  Emily Erkel, International President

“Studying is important, but even Eugenia said there has to be more to school than books and recitations.  Go to sisterhood events and try something new.  Trying something new will instill a sense of self. The more varied sisterhood events you try, the more dynamic you will become both for yourself and others. Being open to trying different things allows you to succeed at living a full and fun life.”

–  Jan Alexander Maisch, International Vice President of Collegiate Membership

Bid Day August 20 1995

“Have fun, get involved in a lot of different campus activities and meet new people, and worry about academics, but don’t let it consume you, it all works out in the end.”

–  Amanda Sloan, International Vice President of Collegiate Membership


“Be confident, try new things and enjoy every moment.”

–  Jana Adriano Clayton, International Vice President of Alumnae


“Don’t be afraid to take a chance and put yourself out there.  Jump on the opportunities that come your way.”

–  Kelly Pelletier, International Vice President of Finance

“Seek out a variety of campus activities in which to become involved. If your major program allows you the time, take elective courses that take you out of your box. For instance, take some business or accounting courses, they will be useful in your career and your life. “

–  Jennifer Siler, International Vice President of Communications

“If I had to live my life again, I’d make the same mistakes only sooner.” – Tallulah Bankhead and Challenges are only opportunities to be better!

Dawn Victor Herring, International Vice President of Organizational Relations

Get to know everyone in your chapter and on campus that you possibly can—you will learn a lot from them! Participate in as many extra-curricular activities as you can while maintain life balance.

Linda Ablard, Executive Director

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