

March 2nd, 2018
Filed Under: Alumnae News

by Sandy Davis, Past Grand Council Member

“Re”: it’s a simple little word; two letters, not really even a word. It’s a prefix that means “back” or “again”.

Sometimes “re” may sound negative- resign, rebuke, recant. But there are a lot of positives – rejoice, rekindle, reunion, refresh, and renew.

There’s one “re” that is extremely important to our sisterhood and that is ReMember.  The ReMember Alumnae Dues Campaign asks all alumnae to remit voluntary dues.  As a loyal ReMember donor and former Grand Council member, I know firsthand the amazing things that can be accomplished when we all ReMember.  We have been able to:

  • Invest in new and enhanced technology such as updating the look and feel of our website, our membership database, and apps used during our summer meetings and District Leadership Conferences. As technology continues to evolve, we need to remain a leader in this area and maintain a strong technological presence to attract and retain new members.
  • Fund summer meetings such as Grand Convention and Leadership Seminar where volunteers, collegiate, and alumnae members come together to support and plan for the future of our sisterhood. To see our collegiate sisters get to meet and spend time with alumnae who are involved and gain an understanding of lifetime commitment is truly magical.
  • Supply our newest chapters with ritual equipment. Our ritual is what binds us as sisters and being able to provide complete ritual paraphernalia sets a foundation of excellence in this area for our new sisters.

I hope each of you will join me in committing to paying ReMember dues in 2018.  It is easy to do, simply visit www.alphadeltapi.org/ReMember. When you ReMember, remarkable things will continue to happen for our sisterhood!


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