
Your A to Z Guide to Hosting a Day of Giving Watch Party

April 22nd, 2018
Filed Under: Foundation | Sisterhood

Day of Giving is a day to inspire and be inspired by your Alpha Delta Pi sisters. The event begins on Founders’ Day, so it provides a unique opportunity to reach out and connect with your sisters!

One way you can celebrate and get involved is by hosting a Day of Giving Watch Party. A Watch Party? Like the Superbowl? Yes, except more sisterhood and fewer penalty flags.


TIMING: Day of Giving starts at 6 a.m. ET on May 15th and ends at 9 a.m. ET on May 16th. Consider a gathering in the evening on Founders’ Day or a breakfast event as Day of Giving is wrapping up.

VENUE: If you’d rather not host at home, think about getting a group together at a local restaurant or coffee shop. Features to keep in mind: You’ll want to be able to follow along on www.webelievewegive.org, so Wi-Fi access is a definite plus. Also, all that refreshing may drain your batteries, so somewhere with electrical outlets is a bonus! Bring some extra cords and a portable charger if you have one.


MAKE IT SPECIAL: Special doesn’t need to be fancy or expensive. If you’re hosting at home, write the Wi-Fi password on paper cut to photo-size and swap out a few family pictures for the day. Dive into a blue and white theme with no fuss by serving blueberries, powdered donuts, marshmallows, blue cheese with crackers, popcorn, blue corn chips, or white pizza. Or simply invite guests to bring something to share. Remember, the day is about being together and supporting the organization we all hold dear.

PICTURES, PLEASE: If you do host a Day of Giving event, please take photos/videos and send them to us at foundation@alphadeltapi.com! You may just see your smiling face in a Day of Giving post or video!

A note for our undergraduate members: please be sure to use proper event planning procedures if you are inspired by the Watch Party idea.

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